This form allows you to fill out and sign our fly fishing waiver. Each guest must sign at the bottom of the waiver. A responsible adult must sign at the bottom of the waiver for anyone under the age of 18. Name on Reservation(required) Date of Trip (YYYY-MM-DD) Name for Waiver – Separate Waiver needed for each Angler(required) Date of Birth (YYYY-MM-DD)(required) Email I Understand and Agree to Terms Below(required) I HAVE READ AND AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING: In consideration of my participation in the activities of Two Guys Flies Service, I agree to the following Waiver and Release: I acknowledge that fishing has inherent risks, hazards, and dangers for anyone that cannot be eliminated, particularly in wilderness environments. I understand that these risks, hazards, and dangers include without limitation: 1. Water hazards in boating and wading in the rivers, including drowning; 2. Hiking in rugged country. 3. Injuries from fishing equipment and other participants; 4. Encounters with wildlife, animals, and insects; 5. Temperature extremes; 6. Inclement weather and unavailability of immediate medical attention in the wilderness in case of injury. I understand the risks, hazards, and dangers of boating, wading. I understand that these activities may require good physical conditioning and a degree of skill and knowledge. I believe that I have that good physical conditioning and the degree of skill and knowledge necessary for me to engage in these activities safely. I am voluntarily participating in this activity and using the services of Two Guys Flies Service with full knowledge of the inherent risks, hazards, and dangers involved and hereby assume and accept any and all risks of injury, paralysis, or death. I, for myself, my heirs, my successors, executors, and subrogates, further agree not to sue Two Guys Flies Guide Service as a result of my injury, paralysis, or death suffered in connection with my use and participation in the activities of Two Guys FliesI have carefully read, clearly understand, and voluntarily sign this waiver and release agreement. Electronic Signature – Enter Full Name(required) Today’s Date (YYYY-MM-DD)(required) E-Sign Waiver